Falcon, der Klassiker, das Original und einer der frühesten Kampfflugsimulatoren auf dem Amiga 500. 1987 von Sphere Inc. für den Mackintosh und PC entwickelt und 1989 von Spectrum HoloByte für den Atari ST und den Amiga veröffentlicht.
Falcon ist eine Reihe von Flugsimulationsspielen, die sich primär mit der Simulation des Kampfflugzeugs General Dynamics F-16 „Falcon“ (englisch für Falke) beschäftigen.
Ich habe es gerne gespielt. Habe es sogar im Original gehabt, da man ohne handbuch wohl nix hinbekommen hätte.
The 12 Missions -
Mission 1: Milk Run Objective: Bomb Practise Buildings This mission is to become familiar with both the MK 84's and the AGM-65B Maverick delivery systems. The Milk Run is also an excellent choice for improving takeoff and landing skills.
Mission 2: Black Bandit Objective: Shoot Down One MiG-21 The Black Bandit has been creating havoc for months. He is the enemy's best pilot and today he's up, circling and challenging your base to send up their best.
Mission 3: Rattlesnake Roundup Objective: Destroy Three SAM Sites Your commander has just gotten word that Strategic Air Command is going to resume high altitude night bombing. The biggest threat to them are the enemy's SA-2 and SA-6 surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) You will need to destroy a minimum of three SAM sites.
Mission 4: Double Trouble Objective: Shoot Down Two MiGs The enemy is hopping mad and sending up two of their best pilots to pay you back for all the trouble your base has caused them behind enemy lines. They are patrolling their area and waiting for your return.
Mission 5: Dragon's Tail Objective: Destroy Enemy Suspension Bridge One principle of war is to deny enemy access to supplies by cutting off their lines of transportation. Knocking out the southside bridge is critical to your side's success in controlling the enemy. Use Mavericks or MK 84s to take out the bridge.
Mission 6: Dragon's Jaw Objective: Destroy Enemy Cantilever Bridge The Dragon's Jaw has been an elusive target for your sqaudron. Early on, planes have tried 1000Ib'ers and Mavericks to take out the bridge, but they just seem to bounce of or scorch the paint. Arm your plane with the 2000Ib Low Drag bombs. Try to avoid SAM sites and MiGs until you deliver your package to the Dragon.
Mission 7: Hornet's Nest Objective: Destroy Enemy Runway Denying the enemy use of their runway will severely cripple their ability to harass your planes. Your job is to knock out the Central Airport with the Durandel Anti-Runway weapon by hitting the airfield where the two runways intersect. Mission 8: Bear's Den Objective: Destro Enemy Communication Center The enemy's communication center handles all their logistics and coordinates all attacks. Operation Bear's Den requires you to destroy this hotbed of activity. The center is well protected by SAMs. Shoot at the building's base to blow it up.
Mission 9: Venus Flytrap Objective: Destroy SAM Sites by Regional Airfield Within 24 hours, Strategic Air Command will launch a major strike to totally destroy the enemy's Regional Airfield. Before they can launch, you must destroy both SAM sites protecting the airfield.
Mission 10: Strike Palace Objective: Destroy Enemy Headquarters Enemy headquarters is located north of the Flytrap and nestled in a valley beneath the foothills. Attacking their headquarters will deliver a blow to the enemy morale as well as eliminate a key communications center. You need to destroy both buildings to achieve your goal.
Mission 11: Double Dragon Objective: Destroy Both Suspension Bridges Every time we cut off one of their bridges, the enemy simply reroutes the flow of traffic to another bridge. Your task in Operation Double Dragon is to destroy both bridges.
Mission 12: Grand Slam Objective: Shoot Down Four MiGs The situation is critical. Intelligence has confirmed hat the enemy is planning a full scale assault on your base today. Your job: do the impossible, which is to intercept and destroy at least four MiGs.